C3 Committee

Mission of C3

The mission of the Curriculum Coordinating Council is to manage a process for continuously improving the alignment, development and delivery of our curriculum K-12, such that we as a district can achieve our strategic objectives and accomplish our mission.

Goals and Responsibilities of C3

Curriculum Coordinating Council (C3)

With support from administration in soliciting membership, the council has approximately 40 members representing 16 designations. Elementary Principals, Assistant Principals, and Curriculum Coordinators from Londonderry High School, Londonderry Middle School, and Elementary Schools attend all meetings. All parents are welcome and encouraged to join in the discussions.

2024-2025 Meeting Dates 

All meetings will take place in the LHS Library Media Center from 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm 

Thursday, September 19th               

Thursday, November 14th

Thursday, January 23rd       

Thursday, March 20th                                       

Thursday, May 22nd